Federal Budget

Mufti Abdul Shakoor laid to rest

Mufti Abdul Shakoor laid to rest


JUI-F leader died in horrific road accident on Saturday

LAKKI MARWAT (Dunya News) – The funeral prayers of Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Mufti Abdul Shakoor offered on Sunday and he was laid in Tajbi Khel area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat district.

Thousands of people including his followers and political leaders attended his funeral prayer.

On the other side, the driver who hit the car of Mr Shakoor was produced in the District and Sessions Court of Islamabad.

The accused, identified as Rao Gul Khan, appeared in court before Duty Magistrate Malik Aman. The lawyer of the accused, Fahim Haider, and the investigating officer of the secretariat police station were also present in court along with the records.

During the hearing, the investigating officer requested the court for a seven-day physical remand, explaining that there were five people in the car that hit the minister's car.

The officer added that the driver was arrested from the scene, while two companions of the accused were seriously injured and undergoing treatment in the polyclinic.

The other two companions of the driver had fled the scene.

The investigation officer further informed the court that the drug test of the accused and the arrest of the other two absconding accomplices were still pending.

The case was of a sensitive nature, and proper investigation required time. The court approved the two-day physical remand of the accused driver, Rao Gul Khan.

The incident occurred on Saturday, and the news of Maulana Abdul Shakoor's death shocked the nation.